Delivered Secure
Delivered Secure is a hosted enterprise file transfer system for banks, credit unions, and businesses.

Secure File Transfer

Meet GLB, SOX, and AICPA Privacy Guidelines with Delivered Secure File Transfer


We take the security of your information seriously. With SSAE 18 compliant data center hosting, your data is tightly controlled. Built from the ground up with the same security we use in our online banking systems, Delivered Secure file exchange offers the tools and information to keep your auditors satisfied. Delivered Secure file exchange can help you meet Gramm-Leach-Bliley (GLB), Sarbanes-Oxley (SOX), and AICPA privacy guidelines.

The The Ponemon Institute reports that "negligence" remains the main cause of data breaches in organizations, costing an average of $154 per customer record stolen. Delivered Secure file exchange helps by ensuring your data is never sent across a non-encrypted channel and never stored in unsafe email inboxes.